Big Cat Drive Thru
Lion's Den
A lion's roar can be heard from 10 km/5 miles away, so imagine how loud it sounds from just 5 meters away!
The big cat drive thru offers the whole family this chance to be up that close.
Our majestic pride of retired walking lions are our “mane” attraction but you will have to look out for them as they could be snoozing in the heavy shade or hanging out in their mango tree. Our knowledgeable rangers who accompany you on the drive thru will answer any questions and inform you all about the “Pride” of Mauritius.
Tiger Territory
You wont hear these guys roaring as with their lion neighbours, these guys will be chuffing, a noise made by blowing air through their nostrils. This is often used as a greeting.
The biggest of the big cats - the tiger. Ours being the Bengal tiger. Don’t get “ambushed” in here while you look for them, climbing trees or stalking each other during play. Tigers are solitary animals, coming together on occasion to form groups called an ambush.
This activity is enjoyed by the whole family both young and old. A 45 minute drive within one of our specially modified vehicles.
No activities are conducted on Sundays, only viewing.
Experience a Safari Adventure

Drive Thru Times
Daily At
10:00 am, 11.00 am, 2:00 pm, 3:00 pm and 4:00 pm
No activities are conducted on Sundays, only viewing.